When is the best time to give up job search? The answer is - never. There are countless opportunities out there, so even though it is difficult, never consider job search helpless. Everyone goes through a breakdown somewhere along their job hunt.
The most important thing is to realise it, understand it, and accept it. Once you do, here is some key advice on how to stay positive looking for work.
- Don't compare yourself to others
- Let others support you
- Don't hesitate to use any connections you have
- Remember you're not a special snowflake, sorry!
- Apply for various offers
- Make some changes before you give up on job search
- Don't become obsessed with job hunting
- Remember your worth, at all times
1. Don’t compare yourself to others
You will quickly give up job search if you compare yourself to friends and family who seem more successful than you. Even more so if you look at people on social media.
Nobody’s life is as perfect as it looks on the outside. Definitely not the influencers’, not even the friend’s you think you know very well. Your loved ones should be what gives you strength, not what has you giving up on job search.
If you feel like social media is putting too much pressure on you, take a break. Leave the accounts but delete the apps and focus on something else. Start living at your own pace and applying your own measures. Once you're ready, you can come back with a fresh mindset.
2. Let others support you
You might feel like you’re alone when you’ve been applying for jobs for months. However, while it is a personal issue where others can’t do much to help you, they can still provide moral support.
Not to mention, they can give good advice as they see the situation from a different point of view and are not as obsessed with job hunting as you currently are. Maybe they know some job boards listing interesting offers you haven’t heard about yet.
At times, all you need is to think outside of the box and visualize the bigger picture.
3. Don’t hesitate to use any connections you have
The default strategy for most of us is to “build something of our own from scratch”. But when this doesn’t work, there is no shame in accepting a bit of aid from someone we know. It is definitely better than giving up on job search entirely. Networking is one of the most commonly recommended tactiques for career development for a reason, after all!
4. Remember you’re not a special snowflake, sorry!
While it might seem like you’re the only one in this position, you’re actually not. The job market is crowded more than ever right now, and there are dozens of other people out there about to give up job search as well.
Victimising yourself and assuming the role of the tragic character in your own story is the main reason for giving up on job search. Instead, focus on how you aren’t the only one going through this temporary (yes, temporary!) low.
You can even try reaching out to others in a similar situation. Maybe someone you know is currently looking for a job. If you can't think of anyone, you may join support groups for job seekers.
For example, we invite you to join our Discord channel, where we give career advice, support the members in their job search, send new, attractive job offers, and create a safe space for job seekers to exchange their experiences.
5. Apply for various offers
Sometimes, the lack of motivation originates from the belief that sending your CV to 5 different companies is enough. If you have been applying for jobs for months but have only chosen a few positions fitting your description of a “dream job”, then that’s not the way to go.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with applying for job offers that both fit your qualifications and your preferences, but the sad truth is, limiting yourself to them is what will get you to give up job search. The more jobs you apply to - even those that at first sight might seem more like a plan B - the bigger the chances of hearing back from anyone and making progress.
The important thing to remember is to focus on jobs you are a good fit for. Various doesn't mean irrelevant. Apply for different positions within your sector, but don't waste time on jobs you're not qualified for or interested in.
6. Make some changes before you give up job search
If you have been applying for jobs for months and it’s not working, then maybe there is a reason. Before giving up on job search, review the key elements of your job application - cover letter writing skills, your CV structure, your job interview strategy.
Do research about conducting a successful job search, ask someone you trust to do a mock interview with you and give you feedback, or consult a professional CV reviewer. Instead of googling when to give up on a job after an interview, focus on how to ace that interview in the first place.
7. Don't become obsessed with job hunting
Many people find job search demoralising. We all know what it’s like to spend 48 hours at your desk, doing nothing but sending out CVs. Reaching the end of a 77-page-long job board means it is time to take a break.
Do things that make you happy - make a cup of tea, go for a walk, cuddle with your pet, watch a film. Talk to others.
You might feel like you don’t need it, or maybe even like you would be wasting precious time that should be spent meddling with your CV. However, it might be just what will stop you from giving up on job search. A fresh start is just what you need to approach your job hunt with new energy and motivation.
8. Remember your worth, at all times
Companies rejecting you are not trying to tell you you’re not good enough. Not getting the job can be the issue of nuances, little things that made someone else seem just a bit more fitting for the role - maybe they had a better-structured CV or have made a better impression at the interview.
Focusing on what you’re good at will keep you from giving up on job search. Maybe you have a lot of experience in your niche, speak a foreign language, or have valuable hard skills? Take that into consideration before you render job search hopeless.
We know it is easier said than done. However, when you feel like it can’t possibly get any worse, then it usually means it can get better. Our suggestions are aimed at keeping you from giving up on job search.
We are sure your friends and family have their own ideas for battling job search hopelessness, so get out there and talk to them!
The next step is yours to take - we believe in you, and that if you take our advice to heart, you won’t give up job searching. Fingers crossed!
Feeling inspired? Visit our blog for more career advice! How can you be sure the information we provide is top-notch? We are a group of professionals working with recruiters, career coaches, and HR specialists from all over the world!
Trust our experience and let us help you find a new job in Europe!
Omar Kadah2mo ago