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Comments 52

Ernesto Francisco Lavarreda Cabrera1mo ago

Ernesto Francisco Lavarreda Cabrera1mo ago

Excelente muy interesante información

Excelente muy interesante información


Renata Repiska1mo ago

Renata Repiska1mo ago

Thank you for this article, it is helping to see where I am now and what has to be done to move on.....succesfully

Thank you for this article, it is helping to see where I am now and what has to be done to move on.....succesfully


Onur GÖRÜCÜ1mo ago

Onur GÖRÜCÜ1mo ago

Managing self improvement technics is the key factor here. Great read.

Managing self improvement technics is the key factor here. Great read.


Cheryl Medina1mo ago

Cheryl Medina1mo ago

Great points in this article! It helped me have a clearer perspective view into my professional future.

Great points in this article! It helped me have a clearer perspective view into my professional future.


Claudia Pacheco1mo ago

Claudia Pacheco1mo ago




Anna Zaminer1mo ago

Anna Zaminer1mo ago

I'm currently between jobs and very worried about my situation. This article has helped me look more optimistically into my future.

I'm currently between jobs and very worried about my situation. This article has helped me look more optimistically into my future.


Natalia Molina1mo ago

Natalia Molina1mo ago

I'm agree with everything! Everything is changing in the last decades and we need to put an aye in the future. Some of the old jobs are disappearing and other are being created now, we need to be up-dated more than ever in the history :)

I'm agree with everything! Everything is changing in the last decades and we need to put an aye in the future. Some of the old jobs are disappearing and other are being created now, we need to be up-dated more than ever in the history :)


Celal Ustel1mo ago

Celal Ustel1mo ago

Correct points. Well done

Correct points. Well done


Sebastian Salas1mo ago

Sebastian Salas1mo ago

This publications is very interesting and informative , for people like me who is looking for success .

This publications is very interesting and informative , for people like me who is looking for success .


Mikk Tammik1mo ago

Mikk Tammik1mo ago

1. Keep up with the technology, whenever one has the opportunity to learn something new, take that opportunity. 2. Creativity is important, but one should really push it to the reality.

1. Keep up with the technology, whenever one has the opportunity to learn something new, take that opportunity. 2. Creativity is important, but one should really push it to the reality.


Thatiane Reinoso1mo ago

Thatiane Reinoso1mo ago

It's interesting, and at the same time, quite scaring to have to worry about humans being substituted by computers.

It's interesting, and at the same time, quite scaring to have to worry about humans being substituted by computers.


George Karagiannis1mo ago

George Karagiannis1mo ago

Very Useful information!

Very Useful information!


Shubham Kumar1mo ago

Shubham Kumar1mo ago




Diana Vasile1mo ago

Diana Vasile1mo ago

Thank you for the useful information!

Thank you for the useful information!


Matilde Oliveira1mo ago

Matilde Oliveira1mo ago

Very interesting article! Thanks for the helpful tips! Definitely will help me in my future career

Very interesting article! Thanks for the helpful tips! Definitely will help me in my future career


Josefine Laursen1mo ago

Josefine Laursen1mo ago

Very interesting article! Thanks for the tips and also helpful information. It got me motivated for my future career.

Very interesting article! Thanks for the tips and also helpful information. It got me motivated for my future career.




Interesting article! Thanks for the tips and also helpful information.

Interesting article! Thanks for the tips and also helpful information.


Mary Shchokinova1mo ago

Mary Shchokinova1mo ago

Very interesting and informative post. Thank you!

Very interesting and informative post. Thank you!




I found this article quite helpful but I think it needs to go a litle more in depth in the examples given below. Thank you for your help !

I found this article quite helpful but I think it needs to go a litle more in depth in the examples given below. Thank you for your help !


Alessandro Lebourgeois1mo ago

Alessandro Lebourgeois1mo ago

Thanks for this post

Thanks for this post


Gonzalo Lluch1mo ago

Gonzalo Lluch1mo ago

Nice post!

Nice post!


Andres Nino1mo ago

Andres Nino1mo ago




Lorena Lozano 1mo ago

Lorena Lozano 1mo ago

Son muy buenos

Son muy buenos


Bohdan Trehubenko 1mo ago

Bohdan Trehubenko 1mo ago

Thanks for this post, it is very useful informatiom

Thanks for this post, it is very useful informatiom


Fady Ramsis Bashandi Bishay1mo ago

Fady Ramsis Bashandi Bishay1mo ago

This is useful

This is useful


Viulka Arias Guzman1mo ago

Viulka Arias Guzman1mo ago

Change is inevitable, these are great tips to stay on the market and evolve. In other words, ensuring that you are a great investment in the future of the company. It can be scary thought that the new "norm" involves so much technology and the future looks very robotic. However, as previously stated, there will always be a human behind the scenes, gives us a little reassurance. The right balance in the work balance requires us to keep our skills up to date and adapt with the times while maintaining our authenticity alive. I think that jobs truly appreciate the skills be offer, but the human touch of authenticity is what makes us stand out.

Change is inevitable, these are great tips to stay on the market and evolve. In other words, ensuring that you are a great investment in the future of the company. It can be scary thought that the new "norm" involves so much technology and the future looks very robotic. However, as previously stated, there will always be a human behind the scenes, gives us a little reassurance. The right balance in the work balance requires us to keep our skills up to date and adapt with the times while maintaining our authenticity alive. I think that jobs truly appreciate the skills be offer, but the human touch of authenticity is what makes us stand out.


giusy Di Maita1mo ago

giusy Di Maita1mo ago

that is owsome!

that is owsome!


Giulio Colombo1mo ago

Giulio Colombo1mo ago

Interesting article. Thank you. ????

Interesting article. Thank you. ????


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How to Choose a Future-Proof Career

October 31, 2024 min read

This article is part of the 30 Day Challenge - an event that will prepare you to find a job in 30 days. Sign up here to receive daily content with career advice and answer quiz questions to get a certificate. At the end of the event, we will choose 3 certificate holders who will win a free CV review by an expert from CV Maker!

This article is not a list of jobs that will be in high demand in the future. We have already dedicated a whole other post to that. What we mean to do here is help you understand what aspects to take into consideration when choosing a future-proof career for yourself. 

The landscape of today’s job market changes drastically these days. New positions are constantly born, but at the same time, others fade away. The key to staying afloat is keeping up with the flow and being aware of the trends running the business world. 

Ignorance is bliss, but when it’s the success of our professional life on the line, I think we can all agree that it’s better to stay informed. When choosing a career that won’t leave us hanging in just a few year’s time, there are several factors to keep in mind:


How to Choose a Future-Proof Career:

  1. Choose domains that can't be easily automated
  2. Remember that jobs evolve all the time
  3. Keep up with technology: embrace the future
  4. Focus on transferable skills
  5. Learn new languages 

1. Choose domains that can’t be easily automated

While it is true that the majority of our lives is now dominated by technology, the vision of the world run entirely by robots still seems far-fetched. Certain tasks cannot - and will not, at least not in the foreseeable future - be performed without any involvement of a human.

An example of a domain that has come to heavily rely on technological advancement is medicine. It is one of the areas where innovation plays an important role but while crucial, it is certainly not the only factor behind its success.

Imagine a surgery being carried out. There are special tools, cameras, monitors, and dozens of other solutions meant to make the doctor’s job easier and, most importantly, more effective. But despite it all, it is still the surgeon’s hands that carry out the most important task of all.

And even if, in a couple of years, it will be a robot holding the scalpel instead, there will certainly be a living, breathing human with a soul overseeing the process and making all the important decisions. 

Of course, this logic does not only apply to medicine. It was merely to illustrate our point, but when you think about it, there are many areas that continue to require direct human supervision, despite the high involvement of technology. 

It also applies to situations where people’s life isn’t at stake - tasks as simple as writing. Whether it’s a blog post, or an article in a newspaper, or a book, in an ideal scenario, it will need to gain an editor’s approval before it can get published.

And despite the existence of multiple tools such as Hemingway, Grammarly, and a million others, none of them is able to provide the same quality of edition as an actual person would. And chances are, that won’t change for many years to come. 

2. Remember that jobs evolve all the time

We often hear about certain jobs being dead. But the truth is, many of them aren’t completely gone - they have simply changed

Let’s look at working as a translator, for example. It is a common opinion now that it is a career that is not worth pursuing because, with the expansion of special translation programmes and software, human translators will become disposable. 

That, my friends, is not true.

The job of a translator is not about to die. It is about to develop. Where the typical workday of a translator once upon a time consisted of grabbing a text and translating it into another language line by line, it is now based on the use of translation software.

CAT (Computer-assisted translation) tools are smart enough to offer suggestions, based on the memory bank previously created by the translator. Therefore, translation now is less about the meticulous process of converting meaning word-by-word, and more about editing semi-automated translations in a way that will make them sound natural.

Remember this: you can teach a machine literally everything, except emotions. You can give it all - a memory, a logical mind, a functioning body. But you can’t give it a heart and a soul.

It will be a good while before a robot can understand concepts as subtle as irony, humour, allusions, or hidden meanings. It won’t spot - much less be able to effectively explain - cultural references. It won’t read between the lines. It will probably translate an idiom literally, stripping it of all sense in the target language. 

Such a translation has no right to exist. It has to be reviewed by an actual person, who will be able to breathe life into it. Any sceptics out there - go on, conduct an experiment. 

Step 1: Have a look at the poem The Chaos by Gerald Nost Trenité

Step 2: Copy-paste it into any translation programme you know, choose any target language you wish.

Step 3: Cry at the results.

All right, we do admit that this example is rather extreme. Even the most professional human translator would lose some sleep over this poem. But it just proves our point, doesn’t it?

If a trained person cannot possibly tackle this task, then how could a robot? Creativity is yet another trait a machine will never have! 

Humans: 1. Robots: 0. 

3. Keep up with technology: embrace the future 

Technology might not be anywhere close to overtaking our lives anytime soon. But there is no denying the fact that it has successfully dominated them. 

So while you shouldn’t panic about being replaced by a robot a year from now, you must definitely attempt to stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements.

Stating that “technology doesn’t like me” simply isn’t cutting it anymore. Regardless of your relationship with all types of programmes and gadgets, you need to learn to master them. 

Familiarity with the Microsoft Office package isn’t impressive anymore. A recruiter won’t primarily choose a CV that sports this skill - they will discard any that doesn’t. Something that used to be considered an advantage has become a bare necessity. 

Of course, that is not to say that everyone is expected to be fluent in coding nowadays. One cannot possibly keep up with all the programmes ever created, even if they limit themselves to their own domain.

The message you need to get across to the employer is that you’re not stuck in the previous century. Even if you personally have no experience with the type of software this particular company uses, all they need to know is that you’re trainable. 

It takes an hour to train a new employee on the features of the technological solutions they will be working with every day. Nobody, however, has the time to invest in explaining the basics to someone with little to no understanding of modern technology.

Of course, the presence of technology is more notable in some professions than in others, so depending on what you do, you need to gauge how strong and extensive your skills must be.

The scope of technical knowledge of a social media manager will be much broader than that of a shop assistant at the local grocery store, whose boss requires them to publish one post a day featuring their daily offer. 

The general tendency is, however, that the more you know, the more advantage you have. Never pass up an opportunity to learn something new in terms of new technologies, and don’t make them your enemy, as one day they might become your biggest advantage. 

4. Focus on transferable skills

In our quest to impress a modern employer, we sometimes tend to focus so much on job-specific skills that we push the universal ones to the background. It is good to always develop in your profession, but transferable skills are equally important. 

Can you say you are goal-oriented? Punctual? Organised? Have good time-management skills? Can prioritise your tasks well? Perform well under pressure? Do you have examples of specific situations when you proved each of those traits in a professional setting?

If the answer to at least one of the questions above is no, then your way to a future-proof job might be in jeopardy.

Imagine a situation when the market changes and the job you’re currently performing is no longer in high demand. In order to find employment, you need to adjust your angle a little bit, and find a different field to play in. 

What will you hold on to in a job interview for a position you don’t have that much experience in? Skills that the employers want and that you have, of course. The default profile of the perfect candidate remains the same across all industries: reliable, dedicated, organised, motivated. We could go on, but we think you get the point by now. 

Transferable skills are skills that would allow you to land a new job, even if you decided to switch your career path by 180 degrees. Everyone has to be meticulous, goal-oriented, and with good time management skills - a doctor, a secretary, a pilot, a cleaner. 

Once you develop a set of skills every employer wants to see in a potential candidate, you will be immune to any fluctuations on the job market. One thing to remember is that it’s not enough to say you have those features - you must always be able to demonstrate them with a real-life example and, later on, your performance. 

5. Learn new languages

We can never stress this enough - languages were, are, and will continue to be, the key to success. They are often the bargaining card for a higher salary or better benefits in the workplace. 

In a situation when you need to look for a new job but are having trouble finding it in your current location, a foreign language is your way out. The more languages you know, the more potential destinations you can look for employment in. Every language is valuable, of course, but to increase your chances, pick one based on your needs. 

For example, German speakers are widely sought-after in the business sector, all over the world. Spanish, being the second most-widely spoken European language worldwide, opens up a variety of expat destinations: North and South America, and Europe.

The same applies to French, which is the official language in 29 countries, including Canada, Switzerland, Monaco, and many parts of Africa. 

The disadvantage of popular languages, however, is that the demand for them is lower. The high number of native speakers leaves employers being flooded with candidates, rather than candidates with job offers.

In translation, for example, rare languages come with much higher rates - those translating from Navajo will earn much more for their work than those working with Italian. 

Regardless of whether you decide it’s more beneficial for you to aim for the current trends or pick a niche, do consider learning an additional language, if you aren’t already. And even if you are - one can never speak too many languages, so what’s one more to add to the collection!


We often hear the statement: “I originally wanted to work as x, but I ended up working in y because the prospects were better”.

It is no doubt important to keep our secure future in mind while choosing a profession and refrain from spontaneously choosing a job that will come with instability and stress. However, in most cases, it’s also unnecessary to jump to extremes. 

We all know someone who wanted to be an artist but eventually became a bank clerk. Someone who’s made it through medical or law school not because the domain fascinated them, but because they believed it would lead to a well-paid, future-proof job. 

The key is to find the balance. In our search for a safe, stable career, we don’t need to completely let go of our passions. Oftentimes, there is a way to connect the pleasurable with the beneficial.

While choosing your career path, write down your goals and interests, and perform thorough market research. Take into consideration all the tips discussed in this article, and find the best solution for you. 

We can’t tell you what position, in particular, will be tailor-made for you, but we hope nonetheless that our advice has lifted your spirits and that it will eventually help you make the right decision. Best of luck!

Feeling inspired? Visit our blog for more career advice! How can you be sure the information we provide is top-notch? We are a group of professionals working with recruiters, career coaches, and HR specialists from all over the world! 

Trust our experience and let us help you find a new job in Europe!

About Lucyna Polok

Lucyna is a content creator specialising in the areas of career advice, expat life, and travel. As a 3-time expat and an avid traveller, she uses her own experience to share unique tips in Europe Language Jobs' articles. A writer by day and a reader by night, she lives and breathes written content.

Lucyna is a content creator specialising in the areas of career advice, expat life, and travel. As a 3-time expat and an avid traveller, she uses her own experience to share unique tips in Europe Language Jobs' articles. A writer by day and a reader by night, she lives and breathes written content.

Comments 52

Ernesto Francisco Lavarreda Cabrera1mo ago

Ernesto Francisco Lavarreda Cabrera1mo ago

Excelente muy interesante información

Excelente muy interesante información


Renata Repiska1mo ago

Renata Repiska1mo ago

Thank you for this article, it is helping to see where I am now and what has to be done to move on.....succesfully

Thank you for this article, it is helping to see where I am now and what has to be done to move on.....succesfully


Onur GÖRÜCÜ1mo ago

Onur GÖRÜCÜ1mo ago

Managing self improvement technics is the key factor here. Great read.

Managing self improvement technics is the key factor here. Great read.


Cheryl Medina1mo ago

Cheryl Medina1mo ago

Great points in this article! It helped me have a clearer perspective view into my professional future.

Great points in this article! It helped me have a clearer perspective view into my professional future.


Claudia Pacheco1mo ago

Claudia Pacheco1mo ago




Anna Zaminer1mo ago

Anna Zaminer1mo ago

I'm currently between jobs and very worried about my situation. This article has helped me look more optimistically into my future.

I'm currently between jobs and very worried about my situation. This article has helped me look more optimistically into my future.


Natalia Molina1mo ago

Natalia Molina1mo ago

I'm agree with everything! Everything is changing in the last decades and we need to put an aye in the future. Some of the old jobs are disappearing and other are being created now, we need to be up-dated more than ever in the history :)

I'm agree with everything! Everything is changing in the last decades and we need to put an aye in the future. Some of the old jobs are disappearing and other are being created now, we need to be up-dated more than ever in the history :)


Celal Ustel1mo ago

Celal Ustel1mo ago

Correct points. Well done

Correct points. Well done


Sebastian Salas1mo ago

Sebastian Salas1mo ago

This publications is very interesting and informative , for people like me who is looking for success .

This publications is very interesting and informative , for people like me who is looking for success .


Mikk Tammik1mo ago

Mikk Tammik1mo ago

1. Keep up with the technology, whenever one has the opportunity to learn something new, take that opportunity. 2. Creativity is important, but one should really push it to the reality.

1. Keep up with the technology, whenever one has the opportunity to learn something new, take that opportunity. 2. Creativity is important, but one should really push it to the reality.


Thatiane Reinoso1mo ago

Thatiane Reinoso1mo ago

It's interesting, and at the same time, quite scaring to have to worry about humans being substituted by computers.

It's interesting, and at the same time, quite scaring to have to worry about humans being substituted by computers.


George Karagiannis1mo ago

George Karagiannis1mo ago

Very Useful information!

Very Useful information!


Shubham Kumar1mo ago

Shubham Kumar1mo ago




Diana Vasile1mo ago

Diana Vasile1mo ago

Thank you for the useful information!

Thank you for the useful information!


Matilde Oliveira1mo ago

Matilde Oliveira1mo ago

Very interesting article! Thanks for the helpful tips! Definitely will help me in my future career

Very interesting article! Thanks for the helpful tips! Definitely will help me in my future career


Josefine Laursen1mo ago

Josefine Laursen1mo ago

Very interesting article! Thanks for the tips and also helpful information. It got me motivated for my future career.

Very interesting article! Thanks for the tips and also helpful information. It got me motivated for my future career.




Interesting article! Thanks for the tips and also helpful information.

Interesting article! Thanks for the tips and also helpful information.


Mary Shchokinova1mo ago

Mary Shchokinova1mo ago

Very interesting and informative post. Thank you!

Very interesting and informative post. Thank you!




I found this article quite helpful but I think it needs to go a litle more in depth in the examples given below. Thank you for your help !

I found this article quite helpful but I think it needs to go a litle more in depth in the examples given below. Thank you for your help !


Alessandro Lebourgeois1mo ago

Alessandro Lebourgeois1mo ago

Thanks for this post

Thanks for this post


Gonzalo Lluch1mo ago

Gonzalo Lluch1mo ago

Nice post!

Nice post!


Andres Nino1mo ago

Andres Nino1mo ago




Lorena Lozano 1mo ago

Lorena Lozano 1mo ago

Son muy buenos

Son muy buenos


Bohdan Trehubenko 1mo ago

Bohdan Trehubenko 1mo ago

Thanks for this post, it is very useful informatiom

Thanks for this post, it is very useful informatiom


Fady Ramsis Bashandi Bishay1mo ago

Fady Ramsis Bashandi Bishay1mo ago

This is useful

This is useful


Viulka Arias Guzman1mo ago

Viulka Arias Guzman1mo ago

Change is inevitable, these are great tips to stay on the market and evolve. In other words, ensuring that you are a great investment in the future of the company. It can be scary thought that the new "norm" involves so much technology and the future looks very robotic. However, as previously stated, there will always be a human behind the scenes, gives us a little reassurance. The right balance in the work balance requires us to keep our skills up to date and adapt with the times while maintaining our authenticity alive. I think that jobs truly appreciate the skills be offer, but the human touch of authenticity is what makes us stand out.

Change is inevitable, these are great tips to stay on the market and evolve. In other words, ensuring that you are a great investment in the future of the company. It can be scary thought that the new "norm" involves so much technology and the future looks very robotic. However, as previously stated, there will always be a human behind the scenes, gives us a little reassurance. The right balance in the work balance requires us to keep our skills up to date and adapt with the times while maintaining our authenticity alive. I think that jobs truly appreciate the skills be offer, but the human touch of authenticity is what makes us stand out.


giusy Di Maita1mo ago

giusy Di Maita1mo ago

that is owsome!

that is owsome!


Giulio Colombo1mo ago

Giulio Colombo1mo ago

Interesting article. Thank you. ????

Interesting article. Thank you. ????
