The career you are currently trailing does not have to be what you do for the rest of your life. It is important to open your mind to what (quite literally) the world is offering you, and know exactly what you want to get out of your working life. Trying new things and meeting new people can only expand your mindset and open new doors.
This is not all about making impulsive, drastic changes, but rather reaching an understanding of what you are capable of accomplishing. The ultimate goal is to pinpoint what your passions are and find a way to make money out of it.
Consider Alternative Working Situations
With modern technology, we are able to work anywhere in the world. The global Covid-19 situation has changed our reality and the world we live in, and the field of job search is no exception.
However, despite what it seemed at the beginning, the pandemic didn't put a definite standstill on our career development. Rather, it gave us an opportunity to switch our mindsets and use this digital movement in our favour.
Since the number of people working remotely has been on the rise more than ever before due to the pandemic, there are clearly many benefits for the employees themselves. They include more flexibility, time saved on the commute, and boosted productivity.
There are benefits for the employer, too - including saving money on office space, as well as having a wider pool of applicants.
The most common careers that allow you to work remotely are IT, Graphic Design, Customer Support, Translation & Localisation, Copywriting, Blogging - and more!
But working remotely is not limited to these fields. It is always worth researching work-from-home and remote options to make sure you aren’t missing out on any opportunities!
It's also worth pointing out that the world of employment - just like the world in general - isn't black and white. You don't have to either work in the office or remotely; many companies are currently opening up to the hybrid working model.
Your schedule could be dictated either by a certain number of hours or days you need to spend in the office weekly, allowing you to work from home the rest of the time, or it can be more flexible.
While some employers prefer to get together in the office on a particular day and will specify this in your contract, others are happy with their employees choosing their working environment, depending on their availability.
The hybrid working model can be especially appealing to those who like to retain a dose of independence and flexibility but are worried about the potential loneliness a fully remote work could bring. Keep your options open!
Consider New Career Paths
Many people think they are limited to one career in their life. If you feel your career path is taking you nowhere, you are lacking drive and passion, or the industry you work in is still recovering from the Coronavirus outbreak, don’t be scared of change!
The truth is, nowadays, people are expected to change careers 4-7 times in a lifetime. Whilst this is a big decision to make and should be carefully considered, it is encouraging for those feeling reluctant to change careers for fear of lack of job opportunities.
Especially now, it is of high importance to be on top of the economic development of different industries and make the most out of the career alternatives that hold more prospects.
Covid-19 - despite all the grief it's brought all of us - did have one major advantage. Namely, it has taught us a lot.
If you’ve been following business news, then you are well aware that most companies relying on personal interaction or less essential goods markets have been having a hard time stepping into the new reality brought about by the pandemic.
The same goes for advertisement companies, since fewer businesses were willing to spend their budget on ads when they were forced to cut costs throughout the pandemic.
Yet, companies engaged with online communication, education, digital entertainment, or essential goods supply and delivery seemed to be doing fine - if not better - during the pandemic.
Companies were put in a situation where they had to re-evaluate their business models and make the hard decisions about which areas of their work hold more importance at a particular time than others. With a heavy heart, they had to cut the costs and temporarily suspend certain activities.
This evaluation allowed them to learn which parts of their business are crucial, and which ones, maybe, they can do without.
Maybe some of them found out that what they used to attribute high importance to isn't actually as significant as they'd originally thought. Perhaps some other areas that had been underrated before, now turned out to have a higher value.
For employees, the dynamic situation might have put them in the position to consider working in industries they never initially found attractive. For example, for a while, it has been a better idea to find a job in eCommerce than it would be to search for opportunities in the travel/hospitality industry which had gone into a standstill for many months.
In this way, you could increase your chances to get employed. The reason is obvious - businesses in growing industries are looking to hire more new people.
Oftentimes, someone wanting to change career paths finds themselves having to do internships to get their foot in the door. Although these can be an adjustment for someone who has worked their way up the ladder in previous careers, internships can be a great stepping stone.
Especially if you are truly passionate about being successful in your new field of work and want to gain the necessary experience and qualifications.
One of the main things to consider before changing your career path is adapting your skillset. It is important to understand that career change will require some work in order to keep up with the competition. Some careers do require basic skills and core values that lend themselves to other careers.
For example, if you are a blogger or content creator who speaks multiple languages, your experience would lend itself nicely to translation or website localisation.
In contrast, someone who has spent years studying IT may find there is a lot to learn when switching to a career such as sales.
These examples should help you understand which career changes would be easier than others. However, anything is possible if you are willing to put in the work required.
Consider Discovering Somewhere New
Even though right now this might sound like a bizarre idea for some, moving abroad, or even to a different city in your home country, can vastly broaden your horizons. Relocating has become an increasingly popular trend as Europeans are discovering the countless benefits of moving for your career.
Although deciding to uproot your life may not be an easy decision to make, it is an important option to consider. Many doors are opened when you refuse to limit your job search to one location.
In an increasingly globalised world, it is important to international companies that employees can work in multicultural environments. Working abroad encourages professional growth in a number of different ways, including communication, empathy, adaptability and teamwork.
Furthermore, in careers such as sales, an understanding of more than one market is an invaluable skill. Even if only for a few years, spending time working in a foreign country can make your CV stand out and give you an edge - even better if you manage to pick up the local language!
The Coronavirus outbreak might have cut the work and travel plans short for some and postponed some of our plans a bit. But now that we're all in the clear once more, we should all keep a perceptive attitude toward safe but audacious development choices.
So now, you're wondering what your options are in terms of moving. Have a look at Europe Language Jobs job board and filter through the jobs by your languages, and where you'd like to live.
Hopefully, we've planted some seeds today that you can think about. Welcoming outside ideas might just set you on a completely different path of life you'd never considered before! If you're confident in your career choice, great!
However, every now and then we all need to think outside of the box and adapt to the changing world we live in.
As writer Isaac Asimov said “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”
Feeling inspired? Visit our blog for more career advice! How can you be sure the information we provide is top-notch? We are a group of professionals working with recruiters, career coaches, and HR specialists from all over the world!
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Victoria Kloppers1mo ago
I agree 100%. In order to grow, one needs to step outside their comfort zone and try something new. Even if it means, starting from the bottom again.
I agree 100%. In order to grow, one needs to step outside their comfort zone and try something new. Even if it means, starting from the bottom again.