Feeling unhappy in your current job? Before you lead yourself to complete misery, familiarise yourself with the following 5 warning signs, it might be time to leave your job and start to search for a new job!
If you are feeling unhappy at work, this can have a knock-on effect on your personal life. Our happiness and wellbeing are extremely important and this is why it's crucial that we feel happy at home and at work.
If you wake up every morning feeling sad or anxious about the idea of going to work, it's time to reevaluate your professional life. Although not everyone enjoys the concept of 'work', it's important to do your best to find a job that is right for you. Staying in a job that makes you unhappy will dramatically affect your private life and potentially the people around you. Try to find a job that you look forward to going to every day.
Feeling unhappy at work can significantly affect your levels of motivation and before you know it, you may find yourself in a particularly difficult situation, emotionally and financially. For future employers, it will look considerably better if you choose to leave your job while your standard of work is still high rather than being asked to leave due to poor performance.
Read our 5 warning signs that it's time to leave your job and look for a new one!
1. You feel like you are being micromanaged
Unfortunately, some managers enjoy micromanaging their employees and at first, this might not be obvious but over time it can become more apparent and of course, draining. It's hard to feel growth and independence when your manager is watching over your every move. This can often make you feel as though you are not trusted and that your manager does not believe in you. Understandably, this can lead to frustration and demotivation.
2. You don't share the same values as the company
Sometimes when you apply for a job, you may feel like the company is the perfect fit for you. Unfortunately, sometimes companies have different values to what is portrayed publically and this can cause you to feel disconnected and uninterested. If you disagree with the values of the company, this can cause you to lose motivation and feel as though you have been ‘tricked’ into the position. It's hard to produce high-quality work and to perform well in a company that you do not share the same values with. It´s time to look for a company that you will feel passionate towards.
3. There's no room for growth
For a lot of people, the opportunity for growth is often the first thing to look for in a company and for that reason, it should be one of the first questions asked. Knowing that you can work for a company with great progression opportunities, makes people feel secure and motivated. Companies that have no interest in their employee's progression often have a low retention rate which can massively affect the success of a business or team. This lack of growth can often make you feel stuck. If the job was advertised differently or you seem to be progressing at a faster pace than your company can facilitate, it's definitely time to look elsewhere.
4. The working environment has become toxic
Unfortunately, some working environments can be toxic due to unethical working conditions or the employees working there. In every company big or small, it's so important to have a strong company culture and to ensure that all team members enjoy working with and around each other. If you do not get along with certain employees or managers, this can cause tension and often make the environment difficult for everyone else around you too. Sometimes it's worth speaking to HR or other areas of the business to see if these problems can be fixed, but if they can't, don't waste any more time feeling sad - find a new job with a better working environment!
5. No rewards or recognition
If your job feels extremely stressful and difficult with no reward or positive feedback, it can be incredibly frustrating and soon enough, you will lose all motivation and interest in your work. We all need a little reward or recognition every now and then and your employers should be happy to give them to you! If you don't receive any positive feedback, you may start to feel as though you are doing something wrong or that you are poorly performing in your work. These kinds of thoughts can cause lots of worries. We should all be rewarded and recognised for hard work - if you are feeling unappreciated - it's time to move on!
As we mentioned earlier, your happiness is the most important thing and this is why it's important that you enjoy your job - life is too short! Have you noticed any of the above warning signs? If so, it's time to leave your job and look for a new opportunity elsewhere. Fancy a change from your regular working environment? Search your native language on our job board and discover where in Europe your language is in demand. If you aren't that happy where you are, it’s time to make a move abroad!
belghoul omar2mo ago
Good artecle and nice to ses that male you ,,,excited every morning
Good artecle and nice to ses that male you ,,,excited every morning